Long time no see

21:40 Irina 4 Comments

A trecut ceva timp de cand am scris pe blog deoarece s-au petrecut cateva lucruri rele si cateva lucruri bune in viata mea. Am invatat sa le accept si sa merg mai departe , sa ma bucur pe cat posibil de viata mea, sa o iau ca pe-un dar.
Intre timp am profitat de mini vacanta pe care am avut-o, m-am plimbat si am facut ceva shopping. Mi-am facut planuri legate de viitor pe care vreau sa le transpun in realitate.
De ajuns cu vorbaria, sa trecem la poze :) 
EN: It's been a while since I wrote on the blog since there have been some good things and some bad things happened in my life. I learned to accept them and move on, to enjoy my life as much as possible, to take it as a gift.
Meanwhile I took advantage of my mini vacation that I had, I walked and did some shopping. I made ​​plans for the future that I want to transpose into reality.
 But enough with talking , let's get to the pictures :)

Am plasat o comanda iHerb, una din seria ce va urma. Sunt super incantata de calitatea produselor. Va urma o parere pe scurt despre ele in curand.
EN: I placed an iHerb order, one of the series to follow. I'm super excited about the quality of products. It will follow a brief opinion about them soon.

Am castigat un premiu la concursul organizat de BU Romania. Deja am incercat gelul de dus si deodorantul cu maracuja, acum o sa ma rasfat cu aroma de berries :P

EN: I won a prize in the contest organized by BU Romania. I already tried the Maracuja shower gel and deodorant, now I will treat myself with the berries flavour.

Pana data viitoare,
Till next time,



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