(RO) Aseara, in Gaia Boutique Club, a avut loc evenimentul ENJOY TOYOTA FASHION PARTY, in cadrul caruia cei peste 200 de participanti au sarbatorit lansarea noului model Toyota Yaris Trend. Acestia au putut admira 3 tinute inspirate din designul noului model Toyota, creeate special de designerii Catalin Valean, Alexandru Tunsu si Alina Morar dar si colectia de accesorii surpriza a designerul Giuka. Toata lumea s-a simtit minunat si s-a distrat urmarind momentul de Stand-up comedy, oferit de Sorin Parcalab de la Club 99.In cadrul evenimentului, 5 dintre cititoare au castigat premii inedite, precum un weekend la munte, la volanul unei Toyota Yaris (drive test), o tableta Serioux Connect, un GPS Serioux SmartTour ST5500, una dintre cele trei tinute create de designeri si un Beauty Drive Kit oferit de SEPHORA.
(EN) Last night, in Gaia Boutique Club, an event took place TOYOTA FASHION PARTY ENJOY, during which over 200 participants celebrated the launch of the new Toyota Yaris Trend. They could admire three outfits inspired by the design of the new Toyota model, created especially for designers Valean Catalin Alexandru Tunsu and Alina Morar but also surprise accessories collection of designer Giuka. Everyone had a wonderful and fun time watching stand-up comedy provided by Sorin Parcalab at Club 99.
During the event, five of the readers have won original prizes such as a weekend in the mountains driving a Toyota Yaris (drive test), a Serioux Connect tablet, a SmartTour Serioux ST5500 GPS, one of three outfits created by designer and Beauty Drive Kit offered by SEPHORA.
(RO)Dar sa vedem si poze :
(EN) But let's see some pictures:
Lots of sweets :)
Ana Morodan was the host, I just love this girl!
(RO) A fost o seara speciala unde m-am distrat foarte bine si am intalnit vechi prietene :)
(EN) It was a special evening where I had a lot of time and I see old friends :)
Till next tine,