Desert Essence - Coconut hair defrizzer&heat protector

10:22 Irina 0 Comments

Dupa cum stiti acest produs este luat de pe iHerb in prima mea comanda.Produsul vine intr-un flacon de plastic transparent, gramajul fiind de 237 ml. Pulverizatorul atasat este bun, nu iroseste produs, il elibereaza uniform, are si capac. Spray-ul miroase a cocos, insa parfumul este unul artificial,are si un alt miros amestecat cu cocosul care personal, ma deranjeaza.Promisiunile de pe ambalaj si ingredientele le puteti zari in poze, majoritatea fiind ingrediente naturale.
As you know this product is taken from iHerb on my first order. The product comes in a plastic bottle, it weights 237 ml. Attached sprayer is good, doesn't waste the product, it releases it evenly, it has a lid too. The product smells like coconut, but the perfume is an artificial one, it has another scent mixed with the coconut one, it bothers me. The promises on the packaging and the ingredients you can see them in the pictures, mostly natural ingredients.

La capitolul rezultate, am ramas usor dezamagita. Ma asteptam sa nu incarce parul, sa ii dea putina stralucire eventual, sa parfumeze, sa cuminteasca parul "frizzy" si sa il protejeze impotriva caldurii. Singurul lucru observat dupa utilizarea acestui produs a fost parfumul nu foarte placut, nu am putut sa-mi dau seama daca protejaza parul impotriva caldurii de la foehn.Nu mi-a cumintit parul, nu am observat stralucire sau orice altceva, din pacate.
In terms of results, I was slightly disappointed. I was expecting not to burden the hair, to give it some shine eventually, to perfume it, to tame frizzy hair and protect it from heat. The only thing noticed after using this product was a not very pleasant scent, I could not figure out if it protects the hair against drier's heat .It did not defrizz my hair, I didn't noticed glow or anything, unfortunately.

Acest produs primeste din partea mea nota 4, o sa-l mai folosesc in diverse combinatii de produse pana il voi termina, asta pentru ca are multe ingrediente naturale, insa nu este "a keeper", cu siguranta sunt alte produse mult mai bune de pe iHerb.
This product receives from me grade 4, I'll use it in various combinations of products until I finish it, that's because it has many natural ingredients, but it is not "a keeper", certainly are other products much better on iHerb.


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